I guess I put my comments on moderated... and so I didn't think anyone was looking at my blog :P
Any way Thanks for the comments! haha. So I am getting ready to move into a basement! And I am nervous about putting my things down there in case of flood. The people that own the house now are pretty much the original owners and the house was built in 1941... and they never had problems... but anyway, the exciting story is.... I WILL HAVE A SCRAP SPACE!!! HOOORAY! Its all one big open room... so I thought about making the front a scrap space, put in my couch TV desks and toys and put up a curtain so the other side will be my "bedroom"
I just realized how poor my english and run on sentences were. *
shrugs* oh well hopefully no one will notice, or I can get a break because its Sunday.
I have not done much in the way of scrappin... except look for ideas
*oh that's cute! Maybe one day if I stop being lazy and start getting motivated I will do that.*I did discover that I hate not working. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I had kids or something... But my puppy isn't exactly a child and doesn't need 24 hour survellience either. With that being said, I find out about getting my unemployment checks on the 10th... I would much rather have a job, but am starting to panic as my car payment due date gets closer. So send up a little prayer... or thought if you aren't into that kinda thing, that I will get my unemployment, or even a job!
In my time off though I can't say its been horrible. I have seen tons of movies and even did some awesome road tripping.
*I think I just made that word up*. Went to North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Colorado! Whew! I should have tried this whole unemployed thing sooner.
I have decided to return to school next semester! WHOO HOO! Now only to figure out what I want to do! I think this is enough rambling for one day... Maybe I will get motivated to scrap!