Garage sale this weekend... didn't make much money, but weather was good so we used it as an excuse to be outside all day! Today I rearranged my room and booked hotels for my trip to Colorado.. I miss it there so much. Going to Colorado springs to see what kind of jobs (if any) are there. Here where I live its all airplanes, and with the economy the way it is... well you catch my drift. I even read something in the paper that we were hurting as bad as Detroit, now I have never lived in or even been to Detroit, but I know its bad!
So instead of rambling I should be sleeping. YES! But. I can't. I know this will sound really goofy to me in the morning when I wake up and read this. Busy day tomorrow 2 doctors appointments and finishing up cleaning. (BOO)
Okay well I don't have too much to post other than I want to scrap, but can't even type. I probably shouldn't be trusted with scissors right now! Good night everyone!