I have fallen in love with the new Bobunny Love bandit line! So stinkin CUTE!
Moving into a townhome with my boyfriend in April, looking for a more permanant job, and taking care of the animals is pretty much what my life consists of right now! Of course facebook time is in there too! I haven't really had much time for crappin, although I have bought a bunch of new toys here lately. Maybe here soon I can whip some funstuff up!
Also is there anyone out there who just gets flatout frustrated with your cricut... or am I just the only one? I took a class when I first got it, I know how to work it, the basics, but I just get so annoyed that I have to waste paper to get the wrong cut... any online tutorials out there? I want to upgrade to the Expression because wild card and tags bags and boxes would be so much more fun.However, if I dont start using the one I have I might just sell the whole dang thing, and all 10 carts!
Time to go pick up my sister from school, leave me lots of comments :)