Saturday, April 24, 2010

I am online everyday...

and still neglect my blog... Maybe because I have no one to talk to on here :(

At any rate, I had a scrap shopping day... Our LSS Scrapfunattic had their spring garage sell... picked up some goodies.. and then hit the grand opening of the new LSS Frozen in time, where they had free food! WHOO HOO...And currently I am baking a cake for my mom's bday, tomorrow.

I am all moved. Have my very own unorganized scrap room. :)) Working on it and going back to work on Monday. Even more WHOO HOO!

Well I am not very exciting, so carry on.. and leave comments!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Time for an update. So much has gone on with the holidays, I didn;t forget my blog just simply have not had time to update! I am returning to school this fall; after being laid off two times in 6th months I figure I need to do something different!

I have fallen in love with the new Bobunny Love bandit line! So stinkin CUTE!

Moving into a townhome with my boyfriend in April, looking for a more permanant job, and taking care of the animals is pretty much what my life consists of right now! Of course facebook time is in there too! I haven't really had much time for crappin, although I have bought a bunch of new toys here lately. Maybe here soon I can whip some funstuff up!

Also is there anyone out there who just gets flatout frustrated with your cricut... or am I just the only one? I took a class when I first got it, I know how to work it, the basics, but I just get so annoyed that I have to waste paper to get the wrong cut... any online tutorials out there? I want to upgrade to the Expression because wild card and tags bags and boxes would be so much more fun.However, if I dont start using the one I have I might just sell the whole dang thing, and all 10 carts!

Time to go pick up my sister from school, leave me lots of comments :)